GLOBAL Alert Overide

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Catalyst is our summer showcase that serves as a launching point that inspires students to move their ideas forward beyond the classroom and apply their innovative solutions to the communities they live in even after the course ends. We hold one at the end of Summer A and one at the end of Summer B every year.

Catalyst Challenge


IA Students in the Innovation in Action course present their ideas, prototypes, informational posters, and persuasive pitches at Catalyst. The Innovation Academy invites members of the community, family, friends, fellow innovators, and people passionate about innovation to attend.

How Might We

The Innovation Academy’s Summer 2024 Catalyst Challenge begins with the question: How might Citi Tampa implement innovative benefit programs that actively involve at least 75% of its population in wellness activities and initiatives promoting healthy behaviors?

Register Your Team

Catalyst 2024 Dates & Locations

Summer B

Date: August 2, 2024 @ 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Florida Gymnasium

*Doors open at 1:55 p.m.

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