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Frequently Asked Questions

Student Life | Academics | Financial Aid | New Students

First-year IA students living on campus will be housed together in the IA Living-Learning Community at Simpson Hall. After the first year, IA students can stay in Simpson Hall or move into Infinity Hall. Contact the UF Department of Housing and Residence Education for additional information regarding on-campus housing.

Yes. Returning IA students may re-contract to live in housing on campus. Students may continue living in Simpson Hall or select another residence hall. For subsequent years (Sophomore year – Senior year), IA students are eligible to live in UF’s Infinity Hall, which is an entrepreneurship-themed residence hall for upper-division UF students, complete with innovative technology, start-up space, 3D printers, and more. Specific housing options and availability are determined by the UF Department of Housing and Residence Education.

After their first spring semester, enrolled IA students are eligible to live on campus. Students interested in living on campus should contact the UF Department of Housing and Residence Education as early as possible since housing contracts often fill up quickly.

After an IA student registers for classes, they are eligible to purchase a parking decal. Visit the UF Transportation and Parking Services for more information.

Contact Student Financial Affairs with questions related to fees, tuition payments, or status.

IA students may join intramural and club sports teams but are not eligible to compete in varsity sports sponsored by the University Athletic Association.

Yes! IA students are encouraged to explore the study abroad opportunities available to them during fall semesters. Students interested in studying abroad should visit the UF International Center or Warrington Undergraduate International Study.

Students may be able to study abroad during spring and summer semesters if doing so will not delay graduation or hinder their academic progression. Students should meet with an IA Academic Advisor to discuss study abroad options.

Students are able to participate in Greek life, depending on their enrollment status and the national chapter requirements of each specific fraternity or sorority. For specific information, students should consult with the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Affairs.

Students who wish to live in a chapter house should contact Sorority and Fraternity Affairs for requirements and guidelines.

UF students enrolled in off-book, online, distance education, residency, or other University of Florida academic programs which do not require the payment of Activity & Service Fees are eligible to purchase a UF RecSports membership. Innovation Academy students may purchase Non-fee Paying Student memberships. Please contact UF RecSports directly for further information.