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Student Organizations

Below are some featured student organizations that come from the over 900+ organizations that UF has to offer. To see a full list of organizations at the university please visit the GatorConnection directory.

3D Printing Club

The 3D Printing Club was established for the purpose of educating UF students on the world of 3D printing and how 3D printing and related skills can be used within their education, professionally, and leisurely. Additionally, projects will be set in place to address issues seen within the University of Florida, the local Gainesville area, and nationally.


IA Ambassadors

Innovation Academy Student Ambassadors are IA student leaders involved in a variety of activities representing UF, the IA Program, and fellow IA students.



InnoGators was founded to create a space of innovation and collaboration by inviting culturally diverse minds and talents to influence the engineering design experience.



TEDxUF strives to connect the bold ideas of both the University of Florida and the greater Gainesville community. The University of Florida is rising as a current top ten public institution, producing cutting-edge research and students entering the workforce at highly competitive levels. Combining this energized, top-tier research community with the vibrant artistic and cultural community of Gainesville creates a unique audience for TEDxUF.


Entrepreneurship Collective

The Entrepreneurship Collective is a diverse organization for both graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Florida with an interest in entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. The Entrepreneurship Collective routinely organizes a speaker series, creative workshops, monthly socials and networking events. As a member, you have access to mentoring and coaching opportunities from successful entrepreneurs and investors.


Innovator Maker Society

The new Innovator Maker Society provides a home for creatives at the University of Florida. The organization incorporates 3D printers and other advanced technologies on campus for members to create fun and inspirational projects or trinkets.


Gator Innovators

Gator Innovators was created with the idea that we, as students, can collaborate to foster the startup, innovation, and entrepreneurship communities here in Gainesville. They have many facets to help students out by saving them money, providing them the resources to create and start a business, connecting students to internships, hosting startup competitions, and many more exciting programs. They are actively working to create partnerships with other major Universities in order to expand our network of contacts and resources for students to pull from.

