GLOBAL Alert Overide

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Innovation Minor

The UF Innovation minor is exclusive to IA students. Courses are designed to provide a core knowledge base and a skill set to prepare IA students for the 21st-century workplace. Coursework highlights skills like entrepreneurship, design, creativity, prototyping, collaboration, leadership, ethics, and innovation.

Required Courses

General Concentration TrackCreditsArtificial Intelligence TrackCredits
IDS1940 – Creativity & Design Thinking for Innovation2IDS1940 – Creativity & Design Thinking for Innovation2
IDS1359 – Innovation in Action2IDS1359 – Innovation in Action2
ENT3003 – Principles of Entrepreneurship or
EGN4641 – Engineering Entrepreneurship
EGN4641 – Engineering Entrepreneurship3
AEC3410 – Fostering Innovation Through Leadership or
EGS4038 – Engineering Leadership 
3EEL3872 – AI Fundamentals3
PHI3641 – Ethics in Innovation3PHI3681 – Ethics, Data, and Technology3
IDS4950 – IA Senior Project or
ENT4015 – The Venture Accelerator
2College Specific course – Select one – see below list3

College Specific Course

BME4760Biomedical Data Science3
CAP3032Interactive Modeling and Animation 13
EEE4773Fundamentals of Machine Learning3
ESI4610Introduction to Data Analytics3
Liberal Arts & Sciences
BSC4892AI in Biology3
CAP3032Interactive Modeling and Animation 13
CLA3811AI in Antiquity and Today3
GIS4123CGeoAI – Geographic Artificial Intelligence3
IDS3750Artificial Intelligence in the Social Sciences3
WST4002Data Feminisms3
QMB3302Foundations of Business Analytics & AI4
Agricultural & Life Sciences
ALS3200CAI in Agricultural and Life Sciences3
Journalism & Communications
JOU3365Artificial Intelligence in Media and Society3
Design, Construction & Planning
DCP4300AI in the Built Environment3
Public Health and Health Professions
PHC3793Higher Thinking for Healthy Humans: AI in Healthcare and Public Health3


Additional college specific courses are under development and will be made available.

  1. All courses must be completed with an overall 2.0 GPA in the minor and a cumulative 2.0 UF GPA.
  2. All courses for the minor must be taken for a letter grade and completed with a C or higher.
  3. All attempts at courses for the minor will be averaged into the minor GPA.
  4. With advanced approval from the Innovation Academy curriculum committee, additional courses (2000-level or higher) may be substituted for the required courses.

Please see the university’s policy for students interested in pursuing certificates at UF, specifically the AI Fundamentals and Applications certificate.

  • Per university catalog, certificates must contain at least 9 credits of unique coursework to that program that do not apply toward other certificates and minors. Therefore, if you are pursuing the AI Track Innovation Minor, you are NOT eligible to pursue the AI Fundamentals and Applications certificate as EEL3872, PHI3681, and the College Specific AI course are all required for both the minor and certificate.
  • If you want to pursue the AI certificate, then you must complete the General Track Innovation Minor.