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Launch into IA

Launch into IA is our convocation for the new Innovation Academy students. The event kicks off the academic year by bringing all of the incoming IA students together and welcoming them to the University of Florida. This event is required for all incoming first-year IA students. Family members are invited to attend as well.

Launch into Innovation Academy

Join Innovation Academy to Launch into IA. Launch Into IA is our convocation for new Innovation Academy students. The event kicks off the academic year and welcomes new IA students to the University of Florida.

  • Attendance at Launch into IA is mandatory for all first-year students.
  • Business professional attire is required.
Launch into Innovation Academy Save the Date
Past Keynote Speakers
Abhi Lokesh (2013)
CEO & Co-Founder of Fracture
Josh Greenberg (2014)
Co-Founder of Grooveshark
Kristen Hadeed (2015)
Founder/CEO of Student Maid & Author
Kai Kight (2016)
Keynote Speaker & Violinist
Julia Landauer (2017)
NASCAR Driver & Keynote Speaker
John Spence (2018)
Int. Business Speaker & Author
Josh Linkner (2019)
Five-Time tech entrepreneur, two-time NY Times bestselling author, venture capitalist and keynote speaker
Gigi Butler (2020)
Branding Powerhouse & Founder of Gigi’s Cupcakes
Kai Kight (2021)
Keynote Speaker and Violinist
Kim Kaupe (2022)
Businesswoman, keynote speaker, and one-of-a-kind teacher
Dr. Farouk Dey (2023)
Vice Provost for Integrative Learning & Life Design at Johns Hopkins University
Brian Kornfeld (2024)
MaxU CEO & Co-Founder, Synapse Co-Founder
Brad Gamble (2025)
CEO of Cade Museum for Creativity & Invention