GLOBAL Alert Overide

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Incubation Space

UF encourages students to use these areas to foster innovation and growth.

Gator Hatchery

The Gator Hatchery is a Student Incubator that offers student entrepreneurs workspace, office support, mentors and other resources necessary for a startup to succeed faster. Hatchery businesses will have access to the Entrepreneurship Center’s network of individuals, companies and other resources.

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Blackstone LaunchPad

Blackstone LaunchPad provides students with a robust network of professionals to learn skills for career success. The Blackstone LaunchPad hosts industry speaker events, innovation mixers, and 1-on-1 meetings with a mentor.

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Marston Makerspace

Marston Makerspace provides shared equipment and workspace for creative projects and collaboration during posted Open Lab hours. Students have access to 3D printing, sewing and embroidery machines, a soldering and electronics workbench, button making, cutting machines, sublimation, heat transfer equipment, and an assortment of tools and supplies. A desktop laser engraver is coming soon.

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UF Innovation Hub

The UF Innovation Hub is more than just inexpensive, state-of-the-art lab and office space available for lease. It’s an elite program available only to applicants selected for admission.

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Sid Martin Biotechnology Institute

Sid Martin Biotechnology Institute reduces new venture risk by lowering the overhead costs of R&D and product launch. Access to over $1 million of core scientific equipment, invaluable mentorship, and investor + legal introductions are here for you.

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