To apply for the academic scholarship students must complete the scholarship application and submit it electronically via the website. The application is open from January 15 to March 15.
The Suss Family Endowment
Scholarship Criteria
Students currently enrolled in the Innovation Academy are eligible to apply for the scholarship upon meeting the following criteria:
- Enrolled in the Innovation Academy, and have completed four of the six required Innovation Academy minor courses
- Enrolled in and on-track for their major in the Warrington College of Business or the College of Journalism and Communications
- Must have at least one more semester of enrollment at the University of Florida
- A minimum overall GPA of 3.2
- Submission of a current resume
- Completion of the application
The Suss Family Endowment has been established to support scholarships for students in the Innovation Academy who are pursuing a degree from either the Warrington College of Business or the College of Journalism and Communications.
Richard Suss CFP®, Executive Director of UBS Wealth Management Americas in Miami, graduated from the Warrington Business School at the University of Florida, having earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration, and was inducted into the leadership honorary, Florida Blue Key. Dawn Suss, a graduate from the University of South Florida with a B.A. degree in Advertising, is a Media Sales Account Manager at WFLX Fox 29 in West Palm Beach. The Suss Family are members of the UF Parent & Family Leadership Council since 2018.
The first scholarship will be awarded in the spring of 2021, and then each year in perpetuity thereafter to one IA Business or Journalism & Communications student, as a non-recurring gift to be awarded annually via a selection process managed by the Innovation Academy.