GLOBAL Alert Overide

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Study Abroad

Innovation Academy encourages students to take advantage of the wonderful study abroad opportunities that are available to UF students. With programs available across the world in various interest, subjects, and price points, studying abroad is becoming easier than ever and allows students to enrich their learning experiences in an increasingly global economy. The fall semester off is ideal for study abroad in the Innovation Academy, though students have also used their spring and summer semesters to study abroad.

Study Abroad

About Study Abroad

Through an excellent collaboration with our campus partners, IA students have successfully visited many countries, including the UK, China, Italy, Spain, and France.

UF Study Abroad Services helps students find the perfect fit for their major, interests, and career goals. Utilize the website to search for programs, find out about information sessions, make an appointment with a study abroad advisor, and more. You can visit the Study Abroad Office within the UF International Center in the Hub.

The Heavener School of Business has fall semester study abroad programs in London, Dublin, and Madrid that allow students to participate in international internships, while also completing academic requirements. Every fall semester, Heavener also offers a multi-country program where students visit and study in Ireland, France and Italy (five weeks at each country). The Heavener School of Business offers many study abroad opportunities for students. Heavener programs are open to all Innovation Academy majors and IA students are invited to meet with study abroad advisors at Heavener Hall, just call 352.273.0151 to schedule an appointment.


In Ireland, a country where innovation, inventiveness, and opportunity abound, the UF International Center has developed a six-week, UF faculty-led innovation study abroad program that immerses students in Innovation and Irish culture. Students who participate will earn six UF credits, visit businesses such as Boston Scientific and SAP, take part in some exciting excursions and gain an expanded international cultural experience.

Maynooth 2025

  • Dates: September 6 – October 18 2025
  • Deadline to Apply: June 9, 2025
  • Cost: TBD
  • Students per Session: 10 minimum – 16 maximum
  • Credits: 6
  • Decision Date: June 16
  • *All expenses are not included. Please refer to Maynooth Guide for more details.

Exchange Programs

The University of Florida’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) offers students the opportunity to study abroad through many different academic and cultural programs. Participating in an exchange program can enhance a student’s academic, professional, and personal life experiences making for a more-informed and empathetic global citizen. CLAS strongly encourages and supports our students in their planning, study, and return from their study abroad experiences with information designed to each specific program. Explore the Beyond120 Exchange Programs to learn more.

UF’s Warrington College of Business also offers a wide array of exchange programs.

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