Freshman to Senior year: How IA helped structure my future
By Angelina Rose

In my first semester at UF, I was a Pre-law Sociology major. By the end of Summer my freshman year, I had changed my major to Media Production, Management, and Technology. My decision to change my major was solely based on the applications I was exposed to in the first two innovation classes. Learning how to use these applications and apply them in real-time changed the course of my life. Because of IA, I found my passion in public relations.
The Adobe suite reminded me of my time in high school when I helped create the yearbook. Being exposed to Adobe again made me realize that my heart belongs to journalism. It was exciting to be thrown back into programs I had already been using, reigniting the spark within me. This is how I became a senior in the College of Journalism and Communications.
The IA community was another significant factor influencing my decision to change my major. During my first year, I had the privilege of joining the Innovation Academy Ambassadors and meeting such a supportive group of peers. These people, now some of my best friends, really supported and solidified my decision to change my major.
However, like many new college students, I became homesick, missing my sister and dogs. But joining the IA Ambassadors helped curve missing home. Many times, now, I only do something with the friends I have made in ambassadors- football games, study sessions, and late-night game nights.
I was connected to an internship with the Florida Institute for National Security through the Innovation Academy Ambassadors’ program. I work in marketing communications at FINS, utilizing the Adobe platforms I learned in class and supporting my career goals after college. At FINS, I do various tasks, like targeting engagement in social media and furthering the reach of the research institute on campus. I recently celebrated my one year at FINS and plan to continue to work in marketing communications at FINS through my senior year and, hopefully, after graduation.
My time as an IA Ambassador has been among the most rewarding experiences. I can connect with my peers in ways I never thought possible in this role. My favorite interactions include incoming freshman trying to decide whether or not UF is their home. In these one-on-one meetings, I share my experience and help guide future students towards their future. Choosing a college to attend, especially one like UF, is a tremendous decision, which can alter anyone’s life. Being part of their decision-making process allows me to give back to a community that has shaped me and strengthened my connection to the institution and IA program I believe in. Witnessing students’ confidence grow as they move closer to making an informed choice reinforces the value of support and mentorship, I have learned through being an ambassador. Knowing that I’ve contributed to their future success and happiness is a deeply gratifying experience.
As an IA Ambassador, I have also been privileged to represent IA in various ways. My favorite includes last fall’s Cade Museum Pitch competition, serving as a judge with fellow ambassadors. Another is recently being able to give the significance of the IA medallion speech at the Summit Summer 2024 Innovation Academy graduate celebration ceremony.
It may seem scary if you consider joining our Innovation Academy family, but I recommend doing everything—every opportunity, game night, study sessions, football games, etc. Do everything, meet everyone, and find the things at UF that make you happy. If you find the time, consider joining the Innovation Academy Ambassador program, and you might find your best friends like I did.
Even though my time as a student at UF is near the end, I am so grateful for the experiences I have gained, the people I have met, and the opportunities I have been offered. Without Innovation Academy, I would not have worked at FINS or found the people I want to be in my life forever. In IA, the program facilitates an atmosphere that helps students find their way and access great opportunities, so if you haven’t already, look into this program and the many rewards it has to offer, like being an IA ambassador.
Go IA Gators!