GLOBAL Alert Overide

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J. Diane “DP” Porter-Roberts, Ph.D.

Academic Coordinator, UF Innovation Academy

Dr. Diane “DP” Porter-Roberts serves as the Academic Coordinator for the Innovation Academy and has over 25 years of higher education experience in teaching, student affairs, and residence life. DP holds a PhD in Higher Education Administration from the University of Florida. She is also a three-time graduate of Appalachian State University with degrees in Middle School math and language arts; K-12 Reading; and Curriculum, Instruction, and Supervision. DP’s research interests include: college student transition, engagement, and success; student learning outcomes assessment; competencies of student affairs professionals; and the power of humor, creativity, and play in our lives. Prior to joining Innovation Academy, DP was a faculty member and coordinator of the Student Personnel in Higher Education graduate program in the UF College of Education. She has been teaching creativity courses for IA since 2014. DP received the UF President’s Humanitarian Award in 2000 and was a participant of the inaugural UF Next Level Leadership Class of 2007. In her spare time, she likes to travel with her family, visit Disney World as much as possible, and explore the world through her son’s eyes.