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Frequently Asked Questions

Student Life | Academics | Financial Aid | New Students

The Innovation Academy (IA) is a multidisciplinary undergraduate program that infuses an innovation minor focused on providing students with experience and skills for the twenty-first century. Additionally, IA provides students with an intellectual and social community within the larger context of UF and their academic majors. The academy operates on a spring-summer enrollment schedule, and the IA students are encouraged to devote the fall semester to research, internships, co-op, service learning, community service, study abroad, UF online courses, and other opportunities. IA facilitates participation in focused, small-scale interactions and small group experiences that explore the dimensions of innovation, creativity, and the entrepreneurial mindset. Such experiences include seminars, guest lectures, workshops, programs, and more. The academy facilitates the opportunity to create a small college experience coupled with resources available in a large research university. Cohort-based minor course registration, program residence halls, and small group experiences add to the sense of a small college environment.

The Innovation Academy aims to facilitate innovative student thinking, creativity, and the creation of student partnerships with start-up businesses and other entrepreneurs. The goal of the IA is to prepare students for the challenges of living and working in the twenty-first-century economy, with a competitive advantage in areas of science, education, art, medicine, and business solutions for a global marketplace. Moreover, IA follows a spring-summer enrollment calendar that allows the University of Florida to enroll more students without negatively impacting class size, student/faculty ratio, or limiting the availability of student resources.

IA student admission is handled the same as any other potential first-year University of Florida student—you are simply adding a preference for our program. The UF Office of Admissions will determine if you are admitted into UF and if you are a fit for IA, Fall, or Summer B. You will only receive one offer from UF admissions.

The Innovation Academy seeks to admit a highly motivated and academically superior incoming class. Students will have the opportunity to express their interest in the Innovation Academy on the UF undergraduate admission application. Students are only considered for admission to IA if they indicate interest on their application form and have chosen a major supported by the IA spring-summer schedule. Additionally, a separate essay is required as part of the admissions process. IA admission decisions are released during the same notification process for all first-year students. Check UF admissions dates and deadlines for important date deadlines.

Pre-enrollment Fall is the time between an IA student’s acceptance into UF and their first spring term of enrollment on UF campus, most typically the fall semester directly following high school graduation. Students have several options available to them, should they wish to jump-start their academic career during the first fall semester, including:

  • Take the extra time to prepare for your first spring semester.
  • Work or volunteer. Consider shadowing, researching, or interning in a field that aligns with your interests and career goals.
  • Start your coursework at another institution. See section about credit limitation.
  • Apply to the UF Innovation Academy’s study abroad program in Maynooth, Ireland.

Yes, however if you take more than 11 total (summer and fall) credits at another institution before starting at UF in the spring, you will forfeit your seat as a first-year student and will need to reapply.

Yes. Applications for the study abroad program in Maynooth, Ireland, open in the late spring/early summer after students are admitted to UF. Students who attend and complete the program will earn 6 UF credits. To learn more about the program, visit the IA Study Abroad webpage.

If a student withdraws from the Innovation Academy, they may have to withdraw from the University. Innovation Academy is not a starting place for students to gain admission to UF and then opt-out. It is designed to be a cohort experience with its own academic structure, calendar, and integrity. If a student is not seeking this kind of educational experience, they should not accept admission to the Innovation Academy.

Innovation Academy students will participate in Preview, UF’s comprehensive orientation program coordinated by New Student and Family Programs. Preview is held from May – July and is required for all incoming first-year students. Once a student has confirmed their intent to enroll, and paid their $200 tuition deposit, they will be able to register for Preview at

It is recommended that students take the UF ALEKS placement exam for placement in algebra, precalculus, calculus, and general chemistry prior to attending UF’s Preview orientation, regardless of their plans for pre-fall enrollment.

Incoming IA students will discuss their incoming credits, major selection and future course registration with an academic advisor during their Preview session. In November/December, incoming IA students will work directly with their college advisor, at a distance or in-person, to finalize their spring schedule and register for courses. 

IA Students are issued a GatorONE during UF Preview but must be actively enrolled as a degree-seeking student at UF to access resources. Visit the GatorONE website for more information.

Yes. Attendance at Launch into IA is mandatory for all incoming first-year IA students. Colleges will be notified of all IA students who do not attend. Students must arrange with their colleges to make-up their college-specific info session.

Dress for Launch into IA is business professional. This is the first time you are in the company of your entire cohort and representatives from your college. It’s your chance to make a good first impression.

The Family and Friends reception held immediately after Launch into IA is open to family and friends of incoming IA students. This event provides family and friends the opportunity to interact with the University of Florida faculty and staff while the students attend their respective college information sessions.